Introduction For Journals

The Purpose-Driven Journals

Reflect, Evolve, Inspire


Educators are angels on earth. They have been afforded the highest level of responsibility given to mankind. They transform the minds and lives of students through the work that they do. Educators provide a service that supports every profession. Their work significantly impacts students who then go on to work, serve, and lead in a variety of vocations, creating a ripple effect of positive change that extends to the rest of society.

 In order for educators to be effective, they must stay relevant and keep pace with the ever-so-changing times. That requires them to forever be students of the profession. As consummate students, educators must endeavor to grow professionally, and real professional growth relies heavily on personal growth. It will be through self-awareness and an expansive perspective that professional development will have the biggest impact. How educators grow as individuals will dictate the impact they have on students and those they encounter. 

 This journal is designed to help educators Reflect, Evolve, and Inspire. Documenting one’s own experiences, feelings, and “aha moments” will help to maximize personal and professional growth. As an educator, when you elevate to your highest self, you will have greater influence on students and, ultimately, humanity.


You are a light for your students, parents, and colleagues. Your influence lasts a life time.


Continue to learn and grow, fighting the good fight for the greater good of humanity!